Now that you have a Google Street View for Business Virtual Tour let's take a look at all of the great ways that you can share it with the world. Listed below are some great ways you can share your virtual tour on the internet and in the real world. Click on any of the images below to view our easy-to-follow instructions. Each topic contains a full how to tutorial guide to make it easy to share your tour.
Your Google Virtual Tour can be added to your website using tools already available in Google Maps on a desktop computer. Using Google Maps you can create an iframe that can be easily embedded into your website. |
Google has given you a great opportunity to your tour to the front page of Google. The best news is that it is free. Take a look at our tutorial on how to post your Google Virtual Tour on your Google My Business Listing. |
Posting a 360° photo on Facebook is a unique way to transport customers into your business or encourage interaction with your products and services. |
You can step into your virtual tour with the Google Street View app. Use a Google Cardboard viewer to turn your phone into a VR experience. Learn more about Google Cardboard. |